Friday, November 5, 2010

Maya Stein at RAW Night

Last night Amy gathered 5 of us together to have the special opportunity to meet with Maya Stein.  It was a writing workshop.  Oh boy, I need help.  I actually was supposed to be at my Master Gardener's class at the same time, but skipped it.  The subject was pruning.  Although I don't like to miss class because I learn bits and pieces here and there that the manual doesn't share, I didn't want to miss this special RAW night (not that all RAW nights aren't special).
I feel I made the right choice.  The evening was empowering.  I don't think I came away a better writer (not that I'm even calling myself that in a professional sense - I can put pen to paper though).  I did acquire skills to help get writing started, in whatever form.  That is sometimes the hardest part.  We shared our written thoughts from prompts that Maya gave.  One of the exercises was difficult for me to get started.  We were to write about an item we brought and what is was not.  Writing about what something is not was a mind blocker.  I trying to write about my dad's tie.  I finally begin with the writing about the tie itself and then couldn't help writing about what it represented for me.  When it was my turn to share I only made it through the first line before I began to choke up.  Wow.  It took me a minute to continue reading.  I miss my dad! Amazing how sharing written words can conjure up feelings.  My thoughts of my dad ride close to the surface all the time.  When I think about my dad I simultaneously think about my brother and vice versa.  I miss them both.  But am grateful for the knowledge that I will be with them again.
It was a wonderful evening with amazing people.  I am grateful that I didn't miss it!


Stef 06 November, 2010 15:43  

So so so happy to hear you got to experience the goodness of MAYA - love that girl!


Jaime 13 November, 2010 23:13  

Hello there...I just popped by to thank you so much for visiting and leaving such lovely words behind.

I have recently discovered Maya, and I absolutely love her poetry! How wonderful that you got to meet her.

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