Sunday, July 12, 2009

Let Freedom Ring!

Happy Independence Day! (ok so I'm a little slow with the post, but life can get busy). How blessed we are to live in a country that allows so many freedoms! 4th of July weekend was fun! We did our traditional activity of getting up early to go see the Balloonfest. We have to have mini-donuts, muffins and milk to enjoy as well! We usually are all dressed for the day and go enjoy the city parade, but today Rob needed to put up flags and so had to forgo seeing the parade.
Rob is always working 4th of July night and so the girls and I enjoy a treat and then some fireworks on our own. We have fun but wish Dad was with us.
There is always a little hesitation at first with the sparklers.
I. didn't enjoy much of the celebration. She hid behind my back most of the time. I'm surprised she didn't hide somewhere else since I was the one doing most of the fireworks.
After getting ready for bed we watch the big fireworks from our upstairs windows. The girls run back and forth to try and see them all. Quite a few are let off in our neighborhood. We are still up watching when Rob gets home and so he gets to enjoy a little with us.
This 4th of July weekend was even more special because Baby M was blessed.
Hope you had a spectacular weekend as well!


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